Toni-Love Project Debut

The Toni-Love Project had its debut yesterday. At some point soon, my plan is to distribute homemade meals to my homeless neighbors. However, yesterday's debut started out with cookie distribution. I started out with cookies because Toni loves sweets. She especially loves cookies and cake! In fact, she loves [...]

2020-12-06T15:07:26-08:00December 6th, 2020|cooking, Family, friends, Health|

Wheelin’ and Dealin’ with the Lord

For three days, we were receiving good reports on my sister Toni's health and her battle with COVID-19.  We were feeling optimistic. She had turned a corner for the better.  All reports indicated her health was stable. So you can imagine our shock when we got a call the [...]

2020-11-27T23:33:20-08:00November 27th, 2020|Family, friends, writing|
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