Today is Day 10 of 21 Days to Kalm.  Our theme for the day is Centered.

Here is your 10-minute guided meditation for today.  You will notice the video is actually 14+  minutes long. This is because I guide you into resting crocodile and into a twist. If you’d like to try this relaxing pose before your meditation, follow along from the beginning. If not, you can fast forward to the guided meditation. For the guided meditation, you will come to lying on your back. You may enjoy having a bolster or rolled blanket under your knees. For this specific meditation, I suggested a rolled blanket or towel under your neck.

I encourage you to share this blog post with your friends. Anyone can do this simple meditation and benefit from it.

Day TEN: Centered

Asana: Shavasana (preceded by resting crocodile pose).

Quote: “Breathing in, I calm body and mind. Breathing out, I smile.” -Thich Nhat Hanh

Meditation Link for Day Ten: LINK (14 minutes long)

