If I had more time to write, I would. For now, I leave you with these images. And this thought:
Our guide yesterday told us that this area has Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, and Jains all living together in harmony. They may at times find areas of conflict on the political arena, but in terms of religion, they all live together peacefully. The area, in fact, is known for this beautiful trait of multi-religion harmonious living. If only the rest of the world could live this way!
We spent the day at the caves. The temperatures reached an unseasonably warm 98 degrees. The dry heat had us wiped! Even the locals felt the heat. However, the caves were incredible!

Peaceful Buddha in Recline

Monkey Mamma and Baby

Ajanta Elephant Carving, life size!

Ajanta Cave Stone Carvings

Ancient Buddhist paintings in the caves!
Thanks for these special pictures, and for sharing them with us.
Now that destination is one I hate to miss! The child monkey has such thick eyelashes!
Thank you, Fran, for making the time to post this blog entry. A real treat to see! And what a blessing for you all to be in a place of such peace and harmony on a day like today. Would that the rest of the world could adopt that spirit! Please say hello to Arvind from JD and me and give him our best! We hope for the chance to see India – and him – again soon. xo