Pasta Dreams

Imagine my joy when I discovered that today is World Pasta Day!  I didn't even know such a day existed. It was early morning when I made the discovery and I immediately started planning this evening's meal: penne with fresh chanterelles sauteed with shallots. The whole dish would then [...]

2020-10-25T21:04:37-07:00October 25th, 2020|cooking, Culture, Family, Health, Sicily, writing|

Stability, Serenity, Sanity

Looking for STABILITY, SERENITY, SANITY? Yoga on the Election Trail: 31 Consecutive Days of Yoga Leading Up To the November Presidential Elections Sunday, October 4 - Tuesday, November 3, 2020 Gentle Hatha 7-8am (Pacific Time, live from Seattle) All Levels Hatha 8:30-9:30am (Pacific Time, live from Seattle) WHERE: Classes [...]

2020-10-01T11:40:58-07:00October 1st, 2020|Health, Yoga Adventure, Yoga Phlilosophy|

7 Dedications To Deepen Your Perspective On Life

Today I was moved to the very center of my being as I watched Bryant Johnson, Ruth Bader Ginsburg's personal trainer for the past twenty years, approach her casket and do push ups in her honor. Justice Ginsburg never stopped her workouts.  She did push ups regularly, even during [...]

2020-09-25T15:07:02-07:00September 25th, 2020|Teaching, writing, Yoga, Yoga Phlilosophy|
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