Yoga Reading

I love to read.  In fact, I wish I had more time to read (and more time to blog)!!  I always have a pile of books on my desk from the library.  The only books I purchase are my yoga books because they are books I refer back [...]

2011-10-19T21:34:49-07:00October 19th, 2011|Favorites, Uncategorized|

Thanks for nothing…

"Fran, thanks for nothing." That's what Ali said to me  just after my yoga class ended at Seattle Athletic Club.  I looked at his beaming smile and I knew I had heard him correctly. Even though he said this with humor, he was also dead serious. I burst out laughing [...]

2011-09-24T16:44:08-07:00September 24th, 2011|Favorites, Uncategorized|

Love, Medicine, & Miracles

Last weekend I finished reading the book Love, Medicine, & Miracles:  Lessons Learned About Self-Healing From a Surgeon's Experience with Exceptional Patients by Bernie S. Siegel, M.D.. What an inspiring read! I love that Dr. Siegel does his research  studies on those who heal, survive, or overcome illness and hardships.  [...]

2011-03-30T05:19:03-07:00March 30th, 2011|Favorites, Uncategorized|

Sanctuary: A Clearing

In many ways, the poem below speaks to Rick and me of our home here at the coast!  This home is our sanctuary.  Many may wonder why on most weekends we  drive  for two and a half hours each way to spend three precious days here.  It is our sanctuary, [...]

2011-01-28T23:46:22-08:00January 28th, 2011|Favorites, Uncategorized|
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