The Summer of 2020 + Online Yoga Class Offerings

Here we are, deep into the Summer of 2020. It's the oddest time of my life. I can't make many plans so I've find myself digging deeper into every moment. My life is governed by uncertainty. My life is also governed by the morning light, the park and lake [...]

2020-07-26T12:15:39-07:00July 26th, 2020|Culture, friends, Gardening, nature, WA, Yoga|

Bumper-Blooms and Elegant Chickens

As I write, the condo is filled with the scent of lilacs!  Simone called me yesterday and said that her grandmere's lilac bush has produced a bumper-bloom of flowers this year and that she had prepared a bouquet for me. She asked if we could go over there, sit [...]

2020-05-13T22:16:53-07:00May 13th, 2020|friends, Gardening, Health, Photography, WA|

Everything In Its Place

It was a very wet Seattle day. Anxious to get out of the house, I went on a solitary walk. With permission from a neighbor, I headed over to my friend's garden. On my walk over to her house, the rain stopped. The air smelled of cherry blossom petals [...]

2020-09-18T15:49:46-07:00April 27th, 2020|friends, Gardening, nature, Photography, WA, writing|

October Splendor in the Garden, at the Coast

I went out to the garden to cut flowers for a bouquet.  Before stepping outside, I wondered which flowers, if any were to be found, would work for my bouquet because it is so late in the flowering season and most flowers have already done their blooming. It is already [...]

2017-10-01T23:53:53-07:00October 1st, 2017|Gardening, Health, Little Renaissance, nature, Photography, WA, writing|
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