‘Twas Twain’s Maui

I'm back from Maui and my heart is happy to have traveled there. It was relaxing to bask in the sunshine, enjoy the warmth of the island, and marvel at the lava-red sunsets. I still have a few Maui blog posts to write and will write them and line [...]

2019-01-12T22:33:24-08:00January 12th, 2019|Culture, friends, Health, Hiking, nature, Photography, Travel|

Winter Light

Clear skies, scant clouds, crispy cold days, and frosty nights lead me towards the essence of the Winter Solstice.  At the ocean side, under the comfort and warmth of my feather bed, I sleep with the window wide open, while Rick sleeps a fitful stint on the sofa, wracked [...]

2018-12-07T23:03:25-08:00December 7th, 2018|cooking, Culture, Health, nature, Photography, WA, writing|
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