30 Shades of Green

Hello from Hindelang in the Bavarian Alps.  I only have one precious week here visiting dear friends Tom and Ursula.  My journey from Seattle to Hindelang was long, but, three planes and three trains later, I am now ensconced in this beautiful green village, Hindelang.  The week ahead will be [...]

2014-05-12T21:12:46-07:00May 12th, 2014|Cats, Culture, friends, Hiking, nature|

This Magical Place Called HOME

We have a house guest, Joon Joongwong, visiting from Thailand.  It is so refreshing to see this magical place we call HOME through his eyes.  Joon is an accomplished photographer and avid birder, so we have been taking him to various beautiful places in the area.  He was super excited [...]

2014-05-09T17:53:31-07:00May 8th, 2014|cooking, friends, Hiking, Hot Springs, nature, WA|
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