26 Photos from the Land of Fire and Ice

Hello. It's been a long time!  The last time I wrote a blog post was Spring 2023 and that post was about Cherry Blossoms. What happened to summer? What happened to Fran's writing? Some people have asked me if I've taken them off my mailing list. I would never [...]

2023-09-12T02:55:10-07:00September 12th, 2023|Hot Springs, Iceland, nature, Photography, retreat, Yoga, Yoga Adventure, Yoga Retreat|

Otherworldly Iceland!

Research shows that the average attention span (in humans) is 8.25 seconds!  That is shorter than the attention span of a goldfish (a goldfish has an attention span of 9 seconds). Can this be true? If it is true, you, my audience, will miss out on much of the [...]

Slideshow from the Land of Fire and Ice

The following slideshow is of our recent yoga retreat in Iceland. It is a trip I hope to offer again and again.  The slideshow is set to the music of the Icelandic group Low Roar and the song playing is called Breathe In.  The words go well with the [...]

Yoga in Iceland

I have not yet written about Yoga in Iceland.  You might think it odd that there are no photos of the indoor yoga classes, which were held twice daily in a warm room near our cabins, but I prefer not to take photos while I am teaching.  In fact, it [...]

Why I Love Iceland

I love Iceland for its people who are sincere, open-minded,  free-spirits, honest, laid-back, creative, kind, funny, and gentle.  I love Iceland for its diverse geography.  We saw everything from blue glacial waterfalls, colorful lichen, black lava rock beaches, wide continental rifts, precariously balanced boulders, a crater lake, soothing hot springs, [...]

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