Wrapping up the South India Tour

Already, we have parted ways with our first tour group and yesterday we left South India.  We are now back in smog-filled Delhi.  Most of the members of the North India and Rajasthan Tour arrived yesterday and we met up with most members of the group last night.  It takes [...]

2018-01-19T03:28:32-08:00January 19th, 2018|Culture, India, Travel|

Spicin’ It in Kerala

Written yesterday: Yesterday we went to the Spice Plantation. Our guide was so informative. We walked around and he showed us the various spice plants. He taught us remedies and recipes to make the most of the spice's healing properties. He also identified birds, which were flying overhead, hanging out [...]

2018-01-16T05:03:40-08:00January 16th, 2018|Culture, Health, India, nature, Travel|

Inside Fish Eye Temple

Written today about yesterday and posted today from Kerala: We are in Madura, South India.  Our local guide for today stood up at the front of the bus and introduced himself: My name is Mudu. My name means "pearl". I have only one wife and two children. I love my [...]

2018-01-13T17:45:40-08:00January 13th, 2018|Culture, India, Travel, Yoga, Yoga Adventure|
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