Mouthwatering Goodness

Thought I would put together a slideshow/collage of various delicious foods I ate while in Italy (either at the retreat or in Vernazza, Taormina, or with my Sicilian relatives).  I don't always take enough photos of food, but this time I took more than usual.  The food at the retreat [...]

2012-10-13T21:49:05-07:00October 13th, 2012|cooking, Culture, Italy, Sicily, Umbria|

Italian Cats: Parts I and II

What would Italy be like without cats?  When I was little, I was amazed that everyone in Grotte had a cat and that they were all named Ciccia.  Yes, Ciccia used to be the most common name for a cat and happens to be one of the variations on the [...]

2012-10-07T01:19:13-07:00October 7th, 2012|Cats, Culture, Italy, Sicily|

What’s in a name?

I grew up hearing my flustered mother say: NU GIA N'TO ZI FRAAAAAA!  Get over here! Mom was going through the first syllable of each of our Italian nicknames (Nu for Nuna short for Onofria for Nora, Gia for Gianna short for Giovanna for Jeanie, N'to for N'tonia short for [...]

2017-03-31T20:48:39-07:00June 13th, 2012|Culture, Family, friends, Italy, Sicily, Travel, writing|
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