Storm (Hice Storm)

It was a stormy blustery weekend at the coast, tempestuous, complete with sideways ice-cold rain and hailstones. Rick’s impromptu spoonerism created a great new word, a noun, an appropriate description of what was falling from the sky: “hice”, a mixture of hail and ice. And the new word stuck just [...]

2018-04-10T23:25:47-07:00April 10th, 2018|friends, Health, Little Renaissance, nature, writing|

Celebrating Winter Solstice

I know we are still days away from the Winter Solstice, but this weekend, we had our annual Winter Solstice Hatha Yoga Retreat, always held the first weekend of December. For me, this time of year is an opportunity to seek light, a time to put up Christmas lights and [...]

October Splendor in the Garden, at the Coast

I went out to the garden to cut flowers for a bouquet.  Before stepping outside, I wondered which flowers, if any were to be found, would work for my bouquet because it is so late in the flowering season and most flowers have already done their blooming. It is already [...]

2017-10-01T23:53:53-07:00October 1st, 2017|Gardening, Health, Little Renaissance, nature, Photography, WA, writing|

Long Dark Nights of Winter

Winter Solstice comes early to Little Renaissance.  Every year, we celebrate a Hatha Yoga Winter Solstice Retreat on the first weekend of December at Little Renaissance.   We celebrate early before the busy-ness of the holiday season takes hold. Winter Solstice is a time of quiet firelight, a time to [...]

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