So Hum

The mantra So Hum inspires me to look around, to see my reflection in all that is. It means "I am that".  "That" refers to all of creation. We had a rare snowfall in Seattle yesterday. I woke up to a few inches of snow.  Green Lake looked so pretty [...]

Nature as Divine Temple

The following is a list of excuses for my failure to blog in recent days: WiFi has been very slow I've been busy offering yoga daily (except for yesterday because we were at the tiger reserve longer than anticipated) plus we've been on the go, busy taking in all the [...]

2018-01-31T17:30:54-08:00January 31st, 2018|Cats, India, nature, Photography, Rajasthan Tour, Travel, Yoga Adventure|

Spicin’ It in Kerala

Written yesterday: Yesterday we went to the Spice Plantation. Our guide was so informative. We walked around and he showed us the various spice plants. He taught us remedies and recipes to make the most of the spice's healing properties. He also identified birds, which were flying overhead, hanging out [...]

2018-01-16T05:03:40-08:00January 16th, 2018|Culture, Health, India, nature, Travel|

Friends, Yoga Challenge, Fog, and Stepping Out in the Unknown

One day in early March 2010, Linda Tally said, "Fran, you should start a blog."  And I started one that very month. My blog has been going strong ever since.  I may not write a blog post every day and, certainly, weeks go by without a blog peep out of [...]

2017-12-12T05:19:32-08:00December 10th, 2017|nature, Photography, writing, Yoga, Yoga Adventure|
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