Winter Light

Clear skies, scant clouds, crispy cold days, and frosty nights lead me towards the essence of the Winter Solstice.  At the ocean side, under the comfort and warmth of my feather bed, I sleep with the window wide open, while Rick sleeps a fitful stint on the sofa, wracked [...]

2018-12-07T23:03:25-08:00December 7th, 2018|cooking, Culture, Health, nature, Photography, WA, writing|

Gratitude to Mother Earth

Prayer for the Great Family (after a Mohawk Prayer) Gratitude to Mother Earth, sailing through night and day– and to her soil: rich, rare, and sweet in our minds so be it. Gratitude to Plants, the sun-facing light-changing leaf and fine root-hairs; standing still through wind and rain; their [...]

2018-11-22T14:48:26-08:00November 22nd, 2018|Culture, nature, Photography|

Slideshow from the Land of Fire and Ice

The following slideshow is of our recent yoga retreat in Iceland. It is a trip I hope to offer again and again.  The slideshow is set to the music of the Icelandic group Low Roar and the song playing is called Breathe In.  The words go well with the [...]

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