Cooking, Sicilian Style!

Next week I will be leaving for Sicily, where I will be hosting two back-to-back yoga retreats.  I have been so incredibly busy, with teaching classes and workshops and planning Sicily 2017!  You haven't seen many blog posts from me, but I hope to post more often these next few [...]

Autumn Haiku Encore

As Seattle stands tall, bundled up against freezing temperatures and braced for current snowfall,  I write this year's final Autumn Haiku Encore. As before, you will see a haiku poem followed by a photo/photos inspired by the haiku.  The haiku and photos appear in the order I received them.  The [...]

2016-12-10T15:42:53-08:00December 9th, 2016|Culture, Photography, Travel, Yoga Adventure|

Autumn Haiku

It's already December!  Have I really been back from Japan for almost a month now? On the first day the group was together in Japan, I gave everyone an index card containing a haiku translated into English. Each haiku had an autumn theme.  I asked everyone, if possible, to capture [...]

2016-12-02T18:09:58-08:00December 2nd, 2016|Culture, nature, Photography, Travel, Yoga Adventure|

Desert: A Healing Place

After coming back from Japan, I made a quick escape to the desert with Rick. We spent a few days in Palm Springs, California with friends Linda and Steve.  I had no idea how much I would appreciate this escape when we planned this trip months ago.  Linda and Steve [...]

2016-11-20T08:22:27-08:00November 20th, 2016|Health, Hiking, nature, Photography, Travel|

Autumn in Japan Slideshow!

And so our autumn journey to Japan is wrapped up in a slide show. As you watch, you'll hear shakuhachi music, Silver Bamboo, by Dean Evanson.  Be sure to turn up your speakers as you watch these lovely images float by like autumn leaves swaying in the wind.  A great [...]

2016-11-13T23:08:21-08:00November 13th, 2016|Culture, Photography, Travel, Yoga Adventure|
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