These Stones Do Speak

I am in Greece with a group of yogis, enjoying every moment of this Greek adventure.  I will photo-document this trip and write a few words about the photos. We started out with two nights in Athens.  Our hotel overlooked the Acropolis so when we did rooftop yoga in the [...]

2019-06-08T23:16:39-07:00June 8th, 2019|Culture, friends, Health, Photography, retreat, Travel, Yoga Adventure|

The Big T.O.

This is my Toronto blog post.  I attended the Toronto Yoga Conference last week and really enjoyed it. I learned so much this past week.  I came back to Seattle feeling very inspired in both my yoga practice and in my yoga teaching. The week in Toronto turned out [...]

2019-04-06T18:35:32-07:00April 6th, 2019|Culture, Family, friends, Photography, Travel, Yoga, Yoga Adventure|

Costa Rica Waterfall: Guest Writer

One morning during shavasana, while still in Costa Rica, I ended the class with a visualization. The visualization was about becoming the element water. As water, I guided the group into becoming a flowing river. The flowing river was alive and well aware of its tumultuous journey, aware of the [...]

Embracing Pura Vida in Costa Rica

I came back last Sunday from a one week yoga retreat in Costa Rica. I love Costa Rica! The expression Pura Vida takes on a lifestyle in Costa Rica.  This simple beautiful expression refers to the "simple life" embraced by the people of Costa Rica. This expression embraces a [...]

Silverswords and Moonlight

I've been back from Maui for almost two weeks now.  My last blog post had a slideshow that didn't post properly in everyone's inbox.  Some got it, some didn't!  The mysterious glitch produced an advertisement for skin tags!  What a disaster!  I will try to include the slideshow again [...]

2019-01-23T13:53:13-08:00January 23rd, 2019|Culture, friends, Health, Hiking, nature, Travel, writing|
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