Part II: Lured by Imagery of Rajasthan and Taj Mahal

Part II brings you dreamy images of Rajasthan, India.  This tour with daily yoga includes visiting the Taj Mahal in Agra.  Please enjoy the photos.  The photos below were all taken by me except for the first two (the tiger photos). Journey to Rajasthan, Delhi, and Agra takes place from [...]

Summer Yoga Celebration

We held our annual Yoga on the Beach Retreat at Little Renaissance this weekend.  The forecast called for clouds, cool temperatures, and rain.  However, the cooler temperatures of 65 degrees, free-of-forest-fire clean air, and the blend of sometimes cloudy and sometimes sun-drenched skies made for a perfect weekend, weather-wise. We [...]

2017-08-14T01:26:52-07:00August 14th, 2017|friends, Health, nature, retreat, WA, Yoga, Yoga Adventure, Yoga Retreat|

The Chakra Rainbow

Last Saturday, MJ Conboy, of MJ's Plant Smart Kitchen, and I offered an in-city yoga and cooking day retreat at a very modern and elegant condominium in the Belltown area of Seattle. The day could not have been more beautiful.  It was a day filled with pure sunshine and a [...]

Gathering Circle

Quarterly, I offer a free yoga class at the Chief Seattle Club.  The Chief Seattle Club is in Pioneer Square, Seattle, and is a safe and sacred place where urban native peoples can rest, be nurtured, and receive services to help ease their lives.  Many of the members of Chief [...]

2017-06-18T02:43:44-07:00June 18th, 2017|Culture, Health, seattle, Teaching, WA, Yoga, Yoga Adventure, Yoga Phlilosophy|


Japan Autumn Tour with Daily Hatha Yoga OCTOBER 29-NOVEMBER 12, 2017 I recently made a slide show for the  Japan trip coming up Autumn 2017 and found myself marveling at the various photos depicting a place and a people very dear to my heart.   Below are a few of my [...]

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