I am sipping hot coca tea, mate de coca, as I try to write this blog entry.  Big green coca leaves float in my cup as I sip sip sip, hoping I will feel better soon!

Yup, the high altitude has made me sick!

It’s a full on Hammer-Me-To-Death-Headache and Move-An-Inch-And-Feel-Nausea kind of day for me.   Oh, how I would love to type out a string of obscenities (maybe that would make me feel better?)!  The truth is, I am mad that I have to feel crappy!

While in Lima, I ate lots of carbohydrates, did not drink any alcohol, drank no coffee starting 24 hours before ascent, been drinking Mate de Coca (coca leaf tea said to help with nausea caused by high altitudes and lack of oxygen), and yesterday I took the first dose of Acetazolamide for altitude sickness. None of this has helped so I took the local Sorojche pill and that has not helped either.  I am so disappointed that after all these precautions, I am feeling sick.  There are 4 of us who are feeling crummy and are lying low today, missing out on the tour of Cusco.  The good news is that if the others are not feeling the altitude, they will most likely do fairly well for the rest of the high altitude part of this trip.


After sleeping the afternoon away, I am happy to report that I feel better.  Not 100%, but much better!  I heard the statistic that, on average, one out of 5 gets altitude sickness.  We have 18 in our group, so we are right on target.   I have to blog in the lobby (the only hot spot in this hotel) and I see the others feel better, too.  Great news!  And there is a beautiful young man sitting here by me, playing his guitar and singing his heart out.   He quite good.  What a treat.

When we got here, I gathered all my strength and taught a very gentle restorative yoga session.   The group did great.  The objective is to do as little physical activity as possible so that we acclimate.  So gentle yoga it was today!


Not sure if I can post any photos!  I am trying but things are too slow and the computer gets all bogged down and shuts down on me with confusion (or something like that).

The trip so far.

I feel bad because I thought I would be blogging more.  Truth is, there hasn’t been a lot of free time.  We have a very large group and I want to be as present as I can for the group and to help Ericka in whatever capacity I can.

Ericka is doing a terrific job.  So far, we have not done as much yoga as perhaps I would dream of doing (because there is much to see and do or, like today, a very early flight to catch, and acclimating to do).  However, the yoga we have done has been deeply rejuvenating and tailored to the energy of the group and, like today, to the circumstances we find ourselves in.  It is one of the few times that we, as a group, can come together in silence and move and breath and become grounded.   Travel can be so hard on the body, so the yoga practice counteracts the rigors of the day and allows us to recharge and calm the mind so that we can absorb the beauty and uniqueness around us.  It’s been good.

Leaving Lima: Denise and Colleen walking up the steps to the plane which took us to Cusco!

View of the Andes from our flight!

Vendor and her baby (at the airport)

We went to a fantastic restaurant last night, Huaca Pucllana, which is built right into the sacred ruins that are pre-Incan.  The ruins were all lit up!  Our table was beautifully set outdoors.  The weather was divine, around 80 degrees with a lovely breeze.  We were all in heaven.  Our last night in Lima.  I sat at one end of our long table, feeling like my given Incan name, Pancha Mama, Mother Earth.  (Everyone has been given an Incan name, but more on that later!)  I asked those sitting around me what the highlight of their day was.  John said it was doing yoga up on the terrace of our hotel, beside the pool, with the great big sky above and a gentle breeze caressing our faces.  My heart skipped a beat or two because I was so moved by his answer.  It was his honest answer, and I thought how John always knows how to say just the right thing.   It’s his special gift.  I watch John and Amy with their teens, Jane and Peter, and I am truly touched by their great parenting skills and the relationship they have with their kids.   Jane said her highlight was going to the catacombs under the church of St. Francis.  Peter’s highlight was lunch at La Bistecca, a fantastic restaurant offering the finest buffet filled with fresh wholesome Peruvian dishes (and some Western ones, too.)  Mine was jumping into the pool after yoga.  It was refreshing and fun to be there with Amy, Marcia, Dayna, Jenelle, and John.

So you see, I was able to post three pictures.  It took a long time to download them. Got to go get ready for dinner.  Those who took the tour this afternoon came back early so they got a chance to rest in their rooms.  All is well here!  Adios!