Internet service and WiFi are hard to come by here in the desert! We are having amazing adventures, but sadly, I have not been able to log on at all! The hotels we are staying at boast of WiFi and internet, but I suppose that is a way to lure us here. I wish you could hear the chaos at the moment! I am in the hotel lobby, finally able to get some service and there is a WEDDING going on. Not conducive to blogging. Drums, a big horn that sounds like an elephant, flowers, ladies in saris, men in suits and traditional kurtas, everyone a flutter, the festivities begin and take over this hotel. I wonder if we will sleep tonight with all this noise?
I am going to teach an evening session of yoga out on the lawn.
Perhaps I will be brave and try to blog after our yoga session? Just know that we are well and that internet access is hard to come by..a true luxury here! I have tons to write about but not sure when…