IMAGINE hearing a special dedication every morning to jump start your day, a thought or an idea to deepen your integrity, strengthen your spirit, and inspire your whole being.  Tune in to my live stream yoga sessions Mondays through Thursdays on my Facebook page Yoga by Fran Gallo, and move from Imagine to Experience.

Recently, my dedication was to “Imagine”, as pertaining to John Lennon and his song of the same title.  I was moved by the documentary Above Us Only Sky about John Lennon and Yoko Ono. At one point, I realized  “Imagine” defines what it is to be fully human.  Yes, let’s join the dreamers and live life in peace.

Yoga by Fran Gallo (Facebook page ) Live Stream from Seattle. Classes by donation. My Facebook page is public so you don’t need a Facebook account to join a live or recorded class! Simply click on the link above and bookmark it.

7-8am Pacific Time, Gentle Yoga
8:30-9:30am Pacific Time,  All Levels Hatha
Offered Mondays through Thursdays. Recorded sessions stay on Timeline for later viewing. Thursdays are Yin Thursdays!

Art by Barbara Van Wollner

Below: I am happily ensconced on Cary’s chair as she does yoga with me online in her urban-setting downtown Seattle condo garden:


This summer marked my 20th year of teaching Yoga in the Park at Meridian Playground/Park in Wallingford, Seattle. Year after year, magic happens in the park. This year, I couldn’t hold my first class until the end of July. Group size is limited. I’ve extended Tuesdays and Wednesdays 6-7pm until September 23. And there are a few Saturdays Yoga in the Park classes taking place from 9-10am, weather permitting. Yogis must contact me to reserve their spot. We wear our masks to and from the park and set our mats 10 feet apart or more. We may remove their masks as the start of class.  The most magical moments? When we reach our arms towards our neighbors and do balance poses. We are ten feet apart. Our arms don’t touch…and yet, it feels as if we are connected and supporting one another.  It’s tapping into Universal Energy.  It’s real. It’s powerful. It’s beautiful! Leave a comment below or email me if you’d like to attend.  Classes by donation.

Tuesdays and Wednesdays 6-7pm:
September 15, 16
September 22, 23
SATURDAYS in September and October, weather permitting, 9-10am:
September 12 (that’s THIS coming Saturday…bring your coffee with you if you like!)
September 26
October 3
October 17
October 24

Isaac brought me this magnificent fragrant bouquet of Jackson Perkins roses from his garden. The names of the roses are as beautiful as the roses. The red rose is Taboo. The white rose is Moon Dance. The gold ones are Strike It Rich.  The pink glowing ones are Tuscan Sunsets.

WORKSHOPS  I have two workshops coming up this weekend. Click the workshop link for details and contact me to register.


Our friends have a cabin in Cle Elum.  They also have a loft above their garage, which we lovingly call the Garage Mahal. It’s grand and we can socially distance when we stay there. This is our morning view from the loft:

I saw the first red leaves on our hike at Cooper River.  First signs of autumn! Isn’t this beautiful?

Enjoy these bonus days of summer.