I know you wondered if these blogs on India would ever end.

Well, our trip, this great adventure comes to an end after visiting the Taj Mahal. It is heart wrenching to say goodbye to India and to leave the group. For two weeks, we have been a solid group, supporting each other from one incredible experience to another, supporting each other throughout the intensity that is India.  We have grown together.

It was especially hard to part with Carla who stayed behind in Varanasi to study yoga with yogini  Smriti,  as the rest of us took off to see the Taj Mahal.  Hers was the first goodbye. Then it was hard to part with those who stayed on one or two extra days in Agra as half of us headed to the airport for our US return.  It was hardest to say goodbye to Halina, Karin, Julia, and Arvind. They don’t  live in Seattle which means I won’t be able to see them regularly.  The power of community is so strong!  We came to India as seekers, students of life, individuals exploring a fascinating place, India.  We left a garland of marigolds, forever connected by the golden thread of love.