My friend and former supervisor/director from my past life as an English teacher, Herb Sundvall, is involved as co-curator of an international art and photography exhibit on the theme of A Book About Death.  This exhibit is about different views and approaches to mourning, death, dying, coping, etc.  There will be exhibits in different cities in the world.  The original mail art copies from the New York exhibit two years ago are in the archives of the Museum of Modern Art in New York City.

One of Herb's written pieces for the reading

Herb has invited both Rick and me to read at this local event being held at a Beacon Hill gallery in Seattle.  Whereas Rick has done many public readings of his prose and poetry, I have not.  I am so honored to have been invited to be a reader.  I will be reading one piece I wrote for Jeanie about two months before she died.   It is called In My Dreams.  I published this piece on my blog on May 8, 2011.

I guess I am thrilled to be doing my first public reading (other than reading eulogies or wedding ceremonies, this is a first!) mostly because I can honor my remarkable sister, Jeanie, in public!  Her life was so precious and meaningful and I get to share it with an audience.  She gave me so much and I hope that her love, kindness, and courage are a source of inspiration for others hearing my reading.  It is a powerful way to honor her 4 months after her death.  I just noticed that today is the actual 4 month mark of her death.

You can read more about the exhibit on this site.   This vast project is international in scope with entries coming from all over.  The art is  a genre called mail art.  The reading of poetry and prose is in connection with this show.

The reading will be held on Saturday 11/19 from 3 to 5 p.m.  Yes, Rick and I will drive back to the city from Ocean Shores for the event.

I hope those of you who live in Seattle will be able to attend the event.  Here is the address:

Quetzalcoatl Gallery 3209 Beacon Ave. S.  Seattle WA  334-0749
Saturday 11/19 from 3 to 6 p.m.

Come listen to poignant Poetry & Prose readings at the gallery and you can check out the art exhibit at the same time.