Last Saturday, MJ Conboy, of MJ’s Plant Smart Kitchen, and I offered an in-city yoga and cooking day retreat at a very modern and elegant condominium in the Belltown area of Seattle.
The day could not have been more beautiful. It was a day filled with pure sunshine and a slight breeze. It was nice to start our gathering at 8:30am. The casual half hour before the morning yoga session gave participants leisurely time to meet each other and to connect.
The morning yoga session was held out on the terrace. I took the above photos during the yoga session. As we practiced yoga, I admired the herb garden. Obviously, it was planted by loving hands. And as we practiced yoga, we looked out over the trees that line 4th Avenue downtown Seattle.
Chakras were the theme of the day. The word “chakra” means wheel in Sanskrit. Ancient yogis felt specific energy vortices along the spine. They felt this energy moved like a wheel spinning fast, producing energy.
The chakras are energy centers. There are specific yoga postures or categories of poses for each chakra. I always find it fascinating that a given posture, or physical movement or stance, can help bring the various energy centers into balance. Each chakra has its own color, its own element, and an area of spiritual growth associated with it. The colors of the chakras make a rainbow.
Root Chakra (Muladhara)
- Red
- Earth Energy
- Represents cultivating stability, ability to thrive when one’s foundation is good, focus on shelter and sustenance, connection to earth, nature, and home. Root chakra asks us to examine and work through our fears.
- Postures (Asanas) include all poses that involve balance such as Tree, Eagle, and Half Moon. Also included are pelvic tilts, bound angle, and child’s pose.
Pelvic Chakra (Svadhisthana)
- Orange
- Water Energy
- Represents physical well-being and learning to honor the body by balancing nutritional needs, sleep, work, and pleasure. This chakra controls our emotional center and how we experience emotions.
- Postures (Asanas) include all poses that are hip openers. I included the following: pigeon, crescent moon, horse pose (stretch version), triangle, wide forward bends, seated forward bends, and uttanasana (forward bend with feet hip distance apart).
Navel or Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)
- Yellow
- Fire Energy
- Represents internal, physical, emotional and spiritual strength. This chakra rules our sense of self-worth, self-confidence, and self-esteem. As this chakra comes into balance, we learn how to use our strengths in a very positive way.
- Postures (Asanas) include all poses to help us grow strong, such as Warrior I, II, and III. Also included are Horse Pose, Chair Pose, and Archer. All abdominal strengthening poses are included such as Side Plank (all variations) and Boat Pose.
Heart Chakra (Anahata)
- Green
- Air Energy
- Represents vitality and love, love that nourishes our spirits and this is unconditional and free. This energy center helps us to become loving, kind, and generous.
- Postures (Asanas) include all poses that open the chest, lungs, and shoulders. Arching (backbending) and twists help to move energy into the heart center.
Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)
- Light Blue or Turquoise
- Air/Ether (Space) Energy
- Represents communication, the ability to say what you mean to say, to speak truthfully, to speak one’s own words, to express oneself well.
- Postures (Asanas) include doing the Shoulderstand Cycle, which includes Shoulderstand (Sarvangasana), Plough, (Halasana), and Fish Pose (Matsyasana).
Brow Chakra (Ajna)
- Indigo
- Air/Ether (Space) Energy
- Represents ability to perceive, to tap into one’s wisdom, to be perceptive and intuitive, to be mindful and aware. The brow chakra helps us to see, know, and understand ourselves and the world we live in.
- Postures (Asanas) include seated and guided meditative poses such as Shavasana or Seated Meditation.
Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)
- Violet
- Ether (or Cosmos) Energy
- Represents the source of all healing, the highest attainable energy center. The crown chakra represents tapping into one’s full potential, connecting to the soul’s longing for peace, love, and happiness.
- Postures (Asanas) include inverted poses. In a given chakra class, I work the inversions in before the final meditation portion of the session. Inverted poses include Legs Up The Wall (Viparita karani asana), headstands, shoulderstands, and downward facing dog.
And of course, the food was as colorful as the Rainbow Chakras! Below is a photo of a Green Glo Drink:
MJ’s Green Glo Drink was made with the following ingredients:
- Green Apples
- Lemon
- Ginger
- Parsley
- Spinach
A few photos from our outdoor terrace session (choice of sunshine or shade for all).
Lunch included food preparation demo from MJ. Below is a delicious and colorful Thai spring roll (dipping sauce was made from almond butter):
And a Creamy (non dairy) Avocado Cucumber Zucchini Soup made in a blender and served at room temperature, topped with dill and pistachios:
After lunch, we took a fun and brisk walk over to the Olympic Sculpture Park. We all marveled at how beautiful this park is. I always feel so proud that we have this fabulous park in Seattle:
Words of wisdom, with love from Fran:
- Do yoga and take time to sit still in meditation every day. Even short bursts of yoga and meditation count!
- Walk and walk some more and enjoy your environment (even in the city there are many green pockets). Seek out green spaces and breathe in prana-charged air.
- Include more plant-based foods into your diet. Explore new greens, new vegetables, new recipes. Respect your body and eat wholesome, nutritious foods.
- Take a day of wellness for yourself. You deserve it!
A photo of MJ and Fran (moi) in front of a Belltown Mural:
Keep up the good work, Buddy!
the best of Seattle summers
Fran, I feel your love and your message. You are a beautiful friend and messenger. xoxo Jeri