walking away from the pond

walking away from the pond

Here are the remainder of the photos I tried to post earlier.  See previous post for the first five.  So amazing!  Thank you, Rebecca, for taking over on the photography with your long lens!  I feel privileged to have seen the Royal Bengal Tiger in nature in Ranthambore Park!!

She's so fancy!!

She’s so fancy!!  After drinking at the pond, she sat near the jeep and for 45 minutes, we got to observe and admire her!!

A little cry out to her two hidden 9-month old cubs!  Her cry sounded a bit like a cat's meow, very sweet, very gentle.

A little cry out to her two hidden 9-month old cubs! Her cry sounded a bit like a cat’s meow, very sweet, very gentle.

She's so fancy!!

She’s so fancy!!

The tigress turns her head!!

The tigress turns her head!!

She is doing CAT POSE!!

She is doing CAT POSE!!

Here she is preening, doing YOGINIDRASANA!

Here she is preening, doing YOGINIDRASANA like nobody’s business!

She pauses from her preening!

She pauses from her preening!

I hope you never tire from the many various images of this maharahani!

Check out her tongue!! I hope you never tire from the many various images of this maharahani!

OH MY GOD!  We were supposed to be quiet, but my heart was beating so loudly...just watching her!

OH MY GOD! We were supposed to be quiet, but my heart was beating so loudly…just watching her!


I swear she was looking at ME!!  Later, I heard that everyone was convinced she was looking directly into their eyes!  David took an “aura photo” of her, using an special app on his ipad.  Her aura read BLUE and translated to “TRANQUIL, DESIRING TO COMMUNICATE”!!!

Time for a snooze!

Time for a snooze!