Sicily with Love

Our guide Graziella recited a poem, written by an anonymous poet in ancient times, which describes the legend of how Sicily came to be.  She recited it first in the Sicilian dialect and then translated it into English.  I cannot find the Sicilian words, but it was the loveliest of [...]

2014-10-20T17:52:14-07:00October 19th, 2014|Culture, friends, Health, Italy, retreat, Sicily, Travel, Yoga, Yoga Adventure, Yoga Retreat|

7 Ways to Be Seduced by Sicily

I love Sicily so much and am excited to host two back-to-back Hatha Yoga retreats there this fall. September 27-October 4, 2014  Gentle Hatha Yoga and October 4-11, 2014  Intermediate Level Hatha Yoga This ancient symbol, Trinacria, represents the strength of Sicily I am in love with Sicily [...]

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