Well, I fell behind in my blogging about the San Diego Yoga Retreat! I definitely want to include this entry about our group hike at Torrey Pines! I will start with this quote from John Muir:

Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, a place to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul.John Muir

On Thursday, while still in San Diego last week, we went on a hike at Torrey Pines. It was the most beautiful flawless day. As we walked towards the trail head, the smell of eucalyptus trees filled the air.

Low growing chaparral decorated the landscape, giving it a desert feel. The wind-shaped rare Torrey pine trees reminded us  we were experiencing one of California coast’s most fragile environments.

Slightly beyond this path in the picture below, Rick saw a 5 foot long rattlesnake on the trail!  Rick did take a picture, but I will spare you the sight!  The snake took off and hid under the chaparral and continued to shake its rattle loudly!  Rick stood by like a sentinel as we all took turns running past the coiled snake  (we couldn’t see it unless we squatted to look -that’s how Rick got his picture of the snake-, but we could certainly hear it!!).  There is something to say for ADRENALINE!  I had no idea just how swiftly our group could move!  The disturbing part is that there are NO warnings of rattlers anywhere in the park or on the reserve’s website!

Here is the description I found on line about Torrey Pines State Natural Reserve:

Torrey Pines State Natural Reserve is located within San Diego city limits and yet remains one of the wildest stretches of land on our Southern California coast! Because of the efforts and foresight of the people in this area, 2000 acres of land are as they were before San Diego was developed -with the chaparral plant community, the rare and elegant Torrey pine trees, miles of unspoiled beaches, and a lagoon that is vital to migrating seabirds. One can imagine what California must have looked like to the early settlers, or to the Spanish explorers, or even to the first California residents here, the Kumeyaay people.

There are 8 miles of trails, a visitor center, and guided nature walks on weekends and holidays.

Torrey Pines is visited by travelers from all over the world and by local residents who come daily to rest at the stunning overlooks, walk a peaceful trail, or exercise in a clean, beautiful environment.

This is such a delicate environment. You can see the wind sculpted Torrey pines below:

After our hike, we went to the Lodge and had a scrumptious lunch: