Yoga Books!

I love to read.  In fact, I wish I had more time to read (and more time to blog)!!  I always have a pile of books on my desk from the library.  The only books I purchase are my yoga books because they are books I refer back to time and time again! So, some people collect designer wear scarves, others antique coins, dolls, stamps, postcards etc.  Me?  I collect yoga books!

Following is a list of some amazing books on YOGA or yoga related!  If you go through this list and see that I have not included a yoga book that is special to you, please comment below so that my readers and I can be more complete in our reading!  Here’s to 20 years of yoga reading…

The Art and Science of Raja Yoga by Swami Kriyananda  (I have not finished reading this one yet)

Eco Yoga by Henryk Skolimowski

Awakening the Spine by Vanda Scaravelli  (This was the FIRST book I purchased on yoga and to this day it is one of my favorites, very inspirational)

The Bhagavad Gita by Gandhi

Bhagavad Gita by  Swami Prabhavananda

Inside the Yoga Sutras by Reverend Jaganath Carrera

The Yoga Sutras of Pantanjali with commentary by Swami Satchidananda

Bringing Yoga to Life by Donna Farhi

In the Company of the Wise by Swami Sivananda Radha

Healing and the Mind by Bill Moyers

Living Yoga edited by Feuerstein, Bodian and Yoga Journal

The Tree of Yoga by B.K.S. Iyengar

Light on the Yoga Sutras by B.K.S. Iyengar

Yoga for Common Aliments by Monro, Nagarathna, Nagendra

Yoga as Medicine by Timothy McCall, MD

Hatha Yoga by Swami Radha

Kundalini Yoga for the West by Swami Radha and  Swami Sivananda

Living with the Himalayan Masters by Swami Rama

A Whole Life’s Work by Lewis Richmond

The Runner’s Yoga Book by Jean Couch

Chakras by Johari

The Book of Chakras by Wauters

The Heart of Yoga by Desikachar

A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle

Yoga Anatomy by Kaminoff

Ayurveda: A Life of Balance by Maya Tiwari

Yoga and the Quest for the True Self by Stephen Cope

Relax and Renew by Judith Lasater

Yoga and Psychotherapy by Swami Rama, Rudolph Balllentine, Swami Ajaya

Yoga for Transformation by Gary Kraftsow

Yoga for a New Age by Bob Smith andLinda Boudreau

Talks with Ramana Maharishi (Edited by Inner Directions)

Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, Banda  by Swami Satyananda Saraswati (from the Bihar School of Yoga where my teacher Vikashanada is from, therefore my lineage!)

The Art of Power by Thich Nhat Hanh

Autobiography of a Yogi  by Paramhansa Yogananda

Illuminata by M. Williamson

Daily Meditations  by Julie Rappaport

Yoga Poems: Lines to Unfold By  by Leza Lowitz

Teachings of Yoga by Georg Feuerstein

Holy Madness by Georg Feuerstein

Tantra-The Path of Ecstasy by Georg Feuerstein

The Yoga Tradition by Georg Feuerstein

Meditations from the Mat by Rolf Gates and Katrina Kenison

Paths to God by Ram Das

From the River of Heaven by David Frawley

Western Seeker Eastern Paths by David Pond

The Inner Tradition of Yoga by Michael Stone

Magic and Mystery in Tibet by Alexandra David-Neel