Season’s Greetings

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! I hope this finds you well and enjoying this festive holiday season. Below you will find my musings on my childhood Christmases and a Season's Greeting for this year. My childhood Christmases were fun. One of the most special aspects of Christmas was that my [...]

2021-12-25T14:26:58-08:00December 25th, 2021|cooking, Culture, Family, Favorites, friends, writing|

My Warrior Heart

Every yoga session begins with a dedication. Last week, on Monday, November 1, I dedicated classes to Day of the Dead, a sacred time of connection. The day asks us to take time to think of our loved ones who have left this world. We are encouraged to look at [...]

2021-11-07T22:32:31-08:00November 7th, 2021|Culture, Family, friends, Health, writing, Yoga Phlilosophy|
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