The Summer of 2020 + Online Yoga Class Offerings

Here we are, deep into the Summer of 2020. It's the oddest time of my life. I can't make many plans so I've find myself digging deeper into every moment. My life is governed by uncertainty. My life is also governed by the morning light, the park and lake [...]

2020-07-26T12:15:39-07:00July 26th, 2020|Culture, friends, Gardening, nature, WA, Yoga|

Love in the Time of COVID-19 (Part I)

Just when I started lamenting over the things I can no longer do -like stopping at my favorite coffee shop to enjoy a latte, visiting friends, working out at the gym, doing stairs with my friend Jeri, texting Rick as I finish teaching and asking him to meet me at [...]

2020-03-20T22:42:28-07:00March 20th, 2020|Culture, Spring, writing|

South India 2020 Slideshow

Holy Moly, India! You’ve done it again. You’ve captured my heart and soul. I bring back with me your smiles and kindness, your curiosity and your audacity to believe that the divine lives within all of us. I bring back with me the pleading eyes of the dogs (craving [...]

2020-01-26T22:31:42-08:00January 26th, 2020|Culture, India, nature, Photography, Travel, Yoga Adventure|

Walking The Mile In His Shoes

This is a story about shoes, a spiritual pilgrimage, and an extraordinary man. It happened a few years ago when I was teaching daily yoga while on tour with Spiritual India Journeys to South India. We were en route to Madurai and we stopped for a visit to the [...]

The Spiritual Hubbub of India

Written from Kanchipuram, just completed/edited: As I write, I think I hear the monkeys squabbling outside my window.  Maybe not. I mean, wouldn't they be asleep at this hour? My curtains are drawn shut because it is only 4:30am.  Jet lag has me up at this hour.  If I [...]

2020-01-07T02:49:42-08:00January 7th, 2020|Culture, India, Photography, Travel, writing, Yoga, Yoga Adventure|
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