Crows, Yogis, and Earth Day

We held our annual Earth Day Hatha Yoga Retreat this weekend.  The forecast called for rain, but much to my delight, it rained at night and during some of our indoor yoga sessions, but was pleasant when we went out for our walks! We had a wonderful group and we [...]

2013-04-22T00:18:10-07:00April 22nd, 2013|Gardening, retreat, Yoga, Yoga Retreat|

Green Thumb and Broody Hen

I will treat you to some beautiful spring photos of Simone's dazzling tulips.  Everything Simone plants seems to grow larger than life.  Last year, one of my blog posts featured her dahlias,  dinner-plate-sized bursts of summer.  This spring Simone planted pots of tulips in her garden.  Many of the photos [...]

2013-04-12T22:20:26-07:00April 12th, 2013|Gardening, seattle, Uncategorized|

Garden Mind

This weekend, I worked in the garden. There is a price to pay for garden beauty.  Weary and scratched up legs and arms from pulling, tugging, snipping, chopping, turning, hoeing, and carrying wheelbarrows full of branches to the slash pile. And while I garden, my mind sinks into a sort [...]

2012-08-21T03:43:06-07:00August 21st, 2012|Culture, Family, Gardening, Sicily|
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