On The Eve of Departure

Leaving tomorrow for South India!  So exciting, so many odds and ends to tend to before departure.  March has been a lion all month.  Seattle is beautifully in spring bloom.  Cherry blossoms and forsythia tenaciously hang on while high winds howled yesterday.  Bone chilling rain manages to soak through the [...]

2016-03-14T22:44:28-07:00March 14th, 2016|friends, Hiking, nature, Travel|

Opening to Inner Wisdom

Arlene hosted a day-long yoga retreat in Woodinville on Sunday.  I enjoyed leading our day retreat, Opening to Inner Wisdom, held on the last day of January.  The New Year is a perfect time to fine-tune the way we approach and live our lives.  All activities, meditations, and discussions helped [...]

2016-02-04T05:11:22-08:00February 4th, 2016|friends, Health, Hiking, nature, retreat, WA, Yoga, Yoga Adventure, Yoga Phlilosophy|

So Much Gratitude

I meant to send this blog post out on the last day of 2015. However, I had the stomach flu! This seems to happen when I am in Mexico or always around the holidays. (And, yes, I had my flu shot!) So here it is, already the New Year 2016 [...]

Why I Love Iceland

I love Iceland for its people who are sincere, open-minded,  free-spirits, honest, laid-back, creative, kind, funny, and gentle.  I love Iceland for its diverse geography.  We saw everything from blue glacial waterfalls, colorful lichen, black lava rock beaches, wide continental rifts, precariously balanced boulders, a crater lake, soothing hot springs, [...]

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