Approaching Winter Solstice

Approaching Winter Solstice means that we are deep into weeks of short days and long nights.  Here in the Pacific Northwest, on our shortest day we will have 7 hours and 34 minutes less sunlight than we had on our longest day in June. Add clouds and rain to the [...]

Summertime Affirmation

"I LOVE my life!"  We are sailing as we throw our arms up in the air and, like wild women high on life, we scream out loud in unison, "I LOVE MY LIFE!" It is our affirmation. It is our mantra.  It is our ritual. And I laugh as [...]

2019-08-30T20:39:49-07:00August 30th, 2019|friends, Health, nature, Photography, seattle, Teaching, WA, writing, Yoga|

More Snow

As I write this email, big fat snowflakes are coming down again on Seattle. Makes me wonder about tomorrow's downtown commute.  Remember, Seattle has hills and more hills, and navigating those hills with sheets of ice is quite dangerous. But on the fun side of Snowy Seattle, here are a [...]

2019-02-10T18:42:18-08:00February 10th, 2019|nature, Pets, Photography, seattle, urban hiking, WA|

20+ Reasons to Do Yoga Outdoors!

While I do love all seasons, I find myself anticipating summertime more than any other time of the year. I love the long days of the Pacific Northwest. My garden comes alive and I love spending as much time as possible outdoors. Practicing yoga outdoors is a real treat.  [...]

2023-05-02T06:02:41-07:00July 1st, 2018|Health, nature, seattle, Teaching, WA, Yoga, Yoga Adventure|
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