
IMAGINE hearing a special dedication every morning to jump start your day, a thought or an idea to deepen your integrity, strengthen your spirit, and inspire your whole being.  Tune in to my live stream yoga sessions Mondays through Thursdays on my Facebook page Yoga by Fran Gallo, and [...]

2020-09-10T17:23:03-07:00September 10th, 2020|Hiking, nature, Photography, seattle, WA, Yoga, Yoga Adventure|

Nature as Healer

It's been a challenging time for the world, including my home country, the USA.  This country feels like a house struggling to hang onto its roof. We aren't seeing our common values, which potentially could hold our county together peacefully. We aren't respecting one another and allowing everyone to [...]

2020-08-23T10:09:11-07:00August 23rd, 2020|Culture, Health, Hiking, nature, WA, Yoga, Yoga Adventure|
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