Gathering Circle

Quarterly, I offer a free yoga class at the Chief Seattle Club.  The Chief Seattle Club is in Pioneer Square, Seattle, and is a safe and sacred place where urban native peoples can rest, be nurtured, and receive services to help ease their lives.  Many of the members of Chief [...]

2017-06-18T02:43:44-07:00June 18th, 2017|Culture, Health, seattle, Teaching, WA, Yoga, Yoga Adventure, Yoga Phlilosophy|

Christmas Growing Up: Indiana, 1960s

When I was growing up in Indiana in the 1960s, Christmas meant time off school, time to play in the snow and make a snowman. I always received Perfect Attendance Awards in school, mostly because I was healthy, but also because, even if I had a tummy ache, my mom [...]

2016-12-27T01:31:31-08:00December 27th, 2016|cooking, Culture, Family, nature, Photography, WA|

Long Dark Nights of Winter

Winter Solstice comes early to Little Renaissance.  Every year, we celebrate a Hatha Yoga Winter Solstice Retreat on the first weekend of December at Little Renaissance.   We celebrate early before the busy-ness of the holiday season takes hold. Winter Solstice is a time of quiet firelight, a time to [...]

Boosting Your Immune System With Yoga and Wholesome Food!

I am writing from Japan.  Japan posts soon to start coming (so exciting to be here!), but first a follow up on two fabulous in-city one-day retreats that I just offered with MJ Conboy of MJ's Plant Smart Kitchen this past weekend.  The retreat's focus was on building and boosting [...]

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