Autumn Haiku Encore

As Seattle stands tall, bundled up against freezing temperatures and braced for current snowfall,  I write this year's final Autumn Haiku Encore. As before, you will see a haiku poem followed by a photo/photos inspired by the haiku.  The haiku and photos appear in the order I received them.  The [...]

2016-12-10T15:42:53-08:00December 9th, 2016|Culture, Photography, Travel, Yoga Adventure|

Long Dark Nights of Winter

Winter Solstice comes early to Little Renaissance.  Every year, we celebrate a Hatha Yoga Winter Solstice Retreat on the first weekend of December at Little Renaissance.   We celebrate early before the busy-ness of the holiday season takes hold. Winter Solstice is a time of quiet firelight, a time to [...]

Autumn Haiku

It's already December!  Have I really been back from Japan for almost a month now? On the first day the group was together in Japan, I gave everyone an index card containing a haiku translated into English. Each haiku had an autumn theme.  I asked everyone, if possible, to capture [...]

2016-12-02T18:09:58-08:00December 2nd, 2016|Culture, nature, Photography, Travel, Yoga Adventure|

Yoga: I Love Light

Whether he is in Japan or back at home, every morning Don wakes up at 4am and does his yoga practice.  At the end of his yoga practice and meditation, he recites the following mantra: I am a child of light I love light. I serve light. Light is in [...]

2016-11-21T06:13:50-08:00November 21st, 2016|Health, nature, retreat, Teaching, Yoga, Yoga Adventure, Yoga Retreat|

Industrial Yoga A crazy idea, an industrial yoga photo-shoot. Why do it? Seems easier to ask why not? The idea came to me on a rainy day in Seattle, during the rainiest month of the year, November, my birthday month, in this rain-forested part of the world, the Pacific Northwest. I [...]

2016-11-19T04:00:41-08:00November 19th, 2016|Culture, Photography, seattle, Yoga, Yoga Adventure, Yoga Video|
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