Like fiddleheads, we unfurl and let go of tension and stress:

The weekend was fantastic.  The group drove out here in sunshine.  Most everyone arrived early and had some time for beach walking and time to explore the Ocean Shores peninsula.  This group of 6 women is very special. Most met at a retreat here some years ago and bonded.  Every since, they book weekend retreats here at Ocean Shores for Earth Day and for Winter Solstice. They are sister-like.  Over the years, I have watched their yoga practice unfold, become more beautiful and celebratory.   Sometimes, in between yoga retreats here at the coast, we meet up in Seattle for potlucks.  And I am lucky enough to see many of this weekend’s retreat participants on a weekly basis when they come to my yoga classes in Seattle.

After dinner on Friday evening, we did restorative yoga as a means to move away from the busy work week and immerse oneself into a peaceful frame of mind.  Here are Carol and Christine in back-to-back shavasana!

Viparita Karani Asana (Legs up the Wall Pose):

Saturday was a misty day, sometimes with downpours.  Only four of us braved a walk in the afternoon.  We first stopped at the Interpretive Center to get out of the rain, but we decided to move on when we saw the “taxidermy” room.  We then took a walk at the Weatherwax Preserve.  It is a beautiful magical old growth protected area in Ocean Shores.  Last year, a cougar was spotted here!   The trees at Weatherwax are bearded with light green moss.  As soon as we got there the rain let up and we had a wonderful walk.  When we returned home, we had lunch. Everyone had a choice of split pea soup or zucchini soup.

Our  yoga sessions were dynamic throughout Saturday (morning and afternoon) and Sunday (morning)  Here is a twisted chain:

Christine, Carol, and Grace in Virabhadrasana I (Warrior I Pose):

And here they are in Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon Pose):

Skye, Jerry, and Grace in Anjaneyasana  (Crescent Moon Pose):

Standing balance:

Natarajasana  (Dancer’s Pose) in a group:

Not only did we do yoga and eat great meals together, Laurie Leonetti was here to give some incredible massages!  She was able to take part in the yoga sessions, too.  We also discussed the book, Map of Love by Ahdaf Soueif.  I was amazed by how great the group discussion was concerning the book!

Rick also led some participants in a journaling exercise.  He had everyone write their own Six Word Biography.  Here is what we came up with:

Rick:  Awestruck  godless  flying  singing  light-filled  peace

Jerry: Seeking Wisdom Up Next Hill

Skye: Continuously Daydreaming Love Travel  Sorrow  Art

Grace:  Fun Joy Adventure Relationships Climbing Experience

Fran: Peacemaker Earth Loving Inspirational Balance

And today, Sunday, we were blessed with a warm, sunny day.  We took a long walk on the beach and stopped to soak up the sunshine: