Today is Rick’s birthday.  I am winding down here  in India, ready for bed (it’s 9:30 pm) while Rick is just waking up in the states (7:58 a.m.) to his birthday.  I have tried Skyping him and will try again before retiring for the night.  How I wish he could be here with me in Rajasthan! He was here with me two years ago and loved it!  As a birthday gift to him, I will post these beautiful photos from our village safari just outside of Jodhpur because I know he loved going into the villages as much as I did!

A feast of color and beauty for you, Rick!

We took three jeeps for the safari (5 people to one jeep plus driver).  In this photo, everyone is photographing the wild antelopes. I love the woman walking by in her red sari balancing a huge bowl on her head!

We took three jeeps for the safari (5 people to one jeep plus driver). In this photo, everyone is photographing the wild antelopes. I love the woman walking by in her red sari balancing a bowl on her head!

The potter's home.  Those are water jugs in the background.

The potter’s home. Those are water jugs in the background.

Potter at work

Potter at work

Potter taking a break

Potter taking a break

Visiting the home of a weaver

Visiting the home of a weaver

Weaver's hand

Weaver’s hand

Child at the carpet weaver's home,playing with pink balloon and eating a snack

Child at the carpet weaver’s home,playing with pink balloon and eating a snack

Another photo of the Vishnois woman rocking her two month old baby in the cradle. The baby, a little girl, was covered with a red veil.

Another photo of the Vishnois woman rocking her two month old baby in the cradle. The baby, a little girl, was covered with a red veil.

Beautiful carpet

Beautiful carpet