My sisters Zina and Nora, my nieces and nephews, our aunts, uncles, cousins and friends feel a tremendous feeling of missing Toni. Thank you, Marilyn, for writing the beautiful tribute below. And thank you for allowing me to share your writing in this blog.

I witnessed Toni going from not being able to hold a crayon and not being able to squeeze my hand… to walking ten feet with a walker and some assistance from the physical therapists in Chicago. I saw her grow strong over a period of ten weeks and I believed she was going to make it past the COVID-19 damage to her lungs.  That was not to be.

Yes, I am still wrapping my head around the fact that Toni is gone. I carry her light in my heart.  My hope is that everyone will carry Toni-Love in their lives.



I will always remember Toni Gallo as Toni Love.  A woman who exuded love and happiness to anyone nearby.  A woman without prejudice, without hatred, without judgement.  In a way, she had all the attributes that I strive for myself.  She grew up surrounded by love and caring and somehow any negative attitudes never penetrated her being.


One cannot discuss Toni without discussing the loving care brought to her by her parents and sisters.  After her parents died, the mantel was carried by her surviving family, Zina, Nora, and Fran.  I was fortunate to meet Toni at this juncture when she spent time with each sister after her parents died.  I was struck by the innocence and pure joy she experienced and imparted to me.


Over the years I learned more about her and was gobsmacked by her artistic talent.  Having suffered from breast cancer, even though she didn’t know the magnitude, she knew it was bad and was happy to be rid of it from her body.  She came through with flying colors.  Then true disaster struck in the form of that hideous virus, Covid-19.  The pain and suffering she endured was even more dire given her lack of understanding of what was wrong with her.  Once again, the sisters came through and Fran was fortunate enough to spend 3 months with her, coaxing her, training her, encouraging her and her fortitude and stamina shone through.  The art Fran encouraged her to paint, was a site to behold.  In searching for a true description of her art, I happened upon the following definition. Naïve art is simple, unaffected and unsophisticated – usually specifically refers to art made by artists who have had no formal training in an art school or academy.  This is the art made by Toni.  And the doctors and nurses, who were given these drawings as a present, have a very valuable piece of Toni.

I myself was convinced, with Fran’s constant help, that Toni would come through this terrible experience and be well again.  Was I deluding myself?  Maybe, but she made such fantastic progress in the three months that Fran was with her, I was completely optimistic.  I was looking forward to spending time with her in New York City when she was well, going to Central Park, Broadway Shows and Museums.  Maybe that was selfish of me, longing for this so much.  Therefore, her death was doubly shocking and devastating not just to me, but to the many supporters everywhere, who she touched with her being.

I send this tribute to a wonderful soul who lived life to the fullest and will be remembered always.





Beautiful Toni-Love at around 20 years old.  She was a STAR and still IS.