In addition to all the excitement of seeing the visiting Snowy Owls on the beach both yesterday and today, we had our annual Winter Solstice Hatha Yoga Retreat at Ocean Shores this weekend.  We had so much fun! Winter can be exhilarating and invigorating here at the coast!  I will include these 18 photos and, through them, you will feel the dynamic energy of the weekend!

We love our hot tub and love to see our guests soaking in it! It has been a great addition to our Little Renaissance. From the hot tub, you can see the great big sky and lots of greenery. The best star gazing is right here at the coast (no light pollution).

Fran demonstrating headstand with helper, Christine, and a chair for full support. We did inversions on Saturday.

Christine in Pincha Mayurasana (Feathered Peacock Pose)

Grace doing Urdhva Dhanurasana over Fran.

Super Cool Feet

Jerry in headstand, assisted by Grace and me

We now call this one "Blanket": Christine blanketed over Craig...Kate and Baby Girl Boyce blanketed over Grace.

Doing Shiva's Cosmic Dance: Natarajasana

Grace, Christine, and Craig dancing the Dance of Yoga, Natarajasana

Part I: Craig's "Steamer"

Part II: Craig's Steamer (Ready for the broccoli)

Ah, breakfast at Little Renaissance!


Such Fine Warriors We Are!

Trees on Driftwood! It was a spectacular day! We were bundled up because it was 40 degrees F on the beach and windy, but the sunshine was a treat!

Loving community of great friends, interesting conversations, the excitement of soon-to-be-born Baby Girl Boyce, a weekend of yoga, good food, long beach walks, seeing the snowy owls, and dazzling yoga photos on the beach...who can ask for more!

Fun on one of the shortest days of the year..we are absorbing the light!

Warrior I, II, and III (or is it III, III, and I?)