Flowers, Smiles of the Earth

My mother loved to garden. She had a green thumb and grew a variety of flowers. Among her prized flowers were roses, irises, and peonies. Her love of peonies was surprising, given how much she disliked ants. Remember, she claimed, with great disgust, where there's one ant, there's a legion [...]

2022-04-10T13:16:09-07:00April 10th, 2022|Gardening, nature, WA, Yoga|

Walking on Sacred Ground

It's been a long time since you last heard from me. I keep thinking I'll start blogging again regularly. I keep thinking the pandemic will come to an end. I keep wishing that summer could last forever. And yet my days move at a fast pace. My mother used to [...]

2021-08-28T19:14:47-07:00August 28th, 2021|Family, friends, Health, nature, writing, Yoga, Yoga Adventure|
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