Spinning Wheels in Sicily

On Wednesday evening, Marilyn and I arrived in Catania so very tired. We traveled from Seattle to Frankfurt to Rome to Catania. Sometimes I wonder how just sitting in a on a plane can create such exhaustion. Is it the stale air on the plane or is it the body’s [...]

2014-09-26T23:05:29-07:00September 26th, 2014|Italy, retreat, Sicily, Travel, Yoga Adventure, Yoga Retreat|

Yoga on the Beach 2014

We had a lively and loving group of yogis here to celebrate and experience our annual Yoga on the Beach Hatha Yoga Retreat 2014.  One would expect blue skies and hot weather, the season being summer, but we had fog and mild pleasant temperatures in the low to mid 60s.  [...]

In the Summertime

It is 7:32 pm. I sit in full sunlight, one week post-solstice in Ocean Shores, Washington at our home and sanctuary, Little Renaissance.  I have the last load of laundry in the wash and am sitting outside, basking in the last of today's sun as it starts to disappear over [...]

Celebrating Earth Day

The following post was written on April 20 in honor of Earth Day.  -fg The earth smiles with her flowers! (photo by Rick Clark) In honor of Earth Day, we held our annual Earth Day Yoga Retreat this past weekend.  We were fortunate enough to have our friend, [...]

2014-05-08T07:30:49-07:00May 8th, 2014|friends, nature, retreat, Yoga, Yoga Adventure, Yoga Retreat|
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