So Much Gratitude

I meant to send this blog post out on the last day of 2015. However, I had the stomach flu! This seems to happen when I am in Mexico or always around the holidays. (And, yes, I had my flu shot!) So here it is, already the New Year 2016 [...]

Yoga in Iceland

I have not yet written about Yoga in Iceland.  You might think it odd that there are no photos of the indoor yoga classes, which were held twice daily in a warm room near our cabins, but I prefer not to take photos while I am teaching.  In fact, it [...]

Yoga in India (Part II)

There is something special about taking part in a 5000 year-old way of practicing well-being.  And it is a powerful experience to do yoga in India.  Often, as we did yoga in India, people would gather to watch us.  People would happily join in without hesitation when invited.  If they [...]

Yoga in India (Part I)

“I am not the same, having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world.” – Mary Anne Radmacher You cannot imagine how tough it is to ensure there is enough time to do yoga while on a tour in India.  Plenty of potential obstacles line the [...]

Yoga Sequence to Relieve Lower Back Discomfort

I have a dream job!  At least, what I do feels like a dream job for me.  I work hard and I love what I do.  My job is also my vocation, my passion, and my lifestyle.  My job as a yoga instructor keeps me healthy and I am able [...]

2014-12-21T03:36:37-08:00December 21st, 2014|Health, Teaching, Yoga, Yoga Phlilosophy|
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