Sweet Summer

Summer time is my favorite of all seasons.  It comes after so much anticipation and seems to be over in no time at all.  Included in this email are some of my favorite photos from this summer, including some from this past weekend in Cle Elum and Roslyn. I truly [...]

2016-08-29T03:43:44-07:00August 29th, 2016|Culture, friends, Health, Hiking, nature, Pets, Photography, WA|

Living Your Yoga

Mostly I'd like you to enjoy these photos.  I believe these photos give you a good sense of the feel of Yoga on the Beach Retreat at our home and sanctuary, Little Renaissance on the Washington coast. The weekend yoga retreat at Little Renaissance is always held in August.  It [...]

Sucker Holes and Pure Outdoor Freshness

My annual Yoga in the Park classes continue this summer.  Not sure how many years I have been running the classes in the park.  Seventeen years is what comes to mind!  We meet on Tuesdays from 6-7pm during the months of June, July, and August in Meridian Park, Wallingford neighborhood [...]

2016-06-17T18:03:32-07:00June 17th, 2016|Health, nature, seattle, Teaching, WA, Yoga, Yoga Adventure|
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