Opening to Inner Wisdom

Arlene hosted a day-long yoga retreat in Woodinville on Sunday.  I enjoyed leading our day retreat, Opening to Inner Wisdom, held on the last day of January.  The New Year is a perfect time to fine-tune the way we approach and live our lives.  All activities, meditations, and discussions helped [...]

2016-02-04T05:11:22-08:00February 4th, 2016|friends, Health, Hiking, nature, retreat, WA, Yoga, Yoga Adventure, Yoga Phlilosophy|

The Six Essential Poses and other Sequences

Sequence One, The Essential Six: During the yoga conference last week, I was sitting in a two-hour lecture when the instructor suddenly said, "OK, let's do the Essential Six."  It was early morning and my legs felt stiff from sitting in a cross-legged position for so long.  I was happy [...]

2016-01-25T01:07:27-08:00January 25th, 2016|Teaching, WA, Yoga|

Winter’s Long Shadows

Once upon a time not so long ago, we gave living at Ocean Shores a go.  The plan didn't work so well for me.  I missed my Seattle life.  My heart and soul ached for my friends.  I missed teaching yoga on a full-time basis and I yearned for the [...]

2016-01-11T17:35:17-08:00January 11th, 2016|cooking, Culture, friends, Health, Little Renaissance, nature, Photography, seattle, WA, Yoga|

So Much Gratitude

I meant to send this blog post out on the last day of 2015. However, I had the stomach flu! This seems to happen when I am in Mexico or always around the holidays. (And, yes, I had my flu shot!) So here it is, already the New Year 2016 [...]

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