October Splendor in the Garden, at the Coast

I went out to the garden to cut flowers for a bouquet.  Before stepping outside, I wondered which flowers, if any were to be found, would work for my bouquet because it is so late in the flowering season and most flowers have already done their blooming. It is already [...]

2017-10-01T23:53:53-07:00October 1st, 2017|Gardening, Health, Little Renaissance, nature, Photography, WA, writing|

Summer Yoga Celebration

We held our annual Yoga on the Beach Retreat at Little Renaissance this weekend.  The forecast called for clouds, cool temperatures, and rain.  However, the cooler temperatures of 65 degrees, free-of-forest-fire clean air, and the blend of sometimes cloudy and sometimes sun-drenched skies made for a perfect weekend, weather-wise. We [...]

2017-08-14T01:26:52-07:00August 14th, 2017|friends, Health, nature, retreat, WA, Yoga, Yoga Adventure, Yoga Retreat|

Seattle’s Cool ‘Hood

Can't believe that after living in Seattle for 26 years, I finally got around to visiting Georgetown, Seattle's oldest neighborhood.  I went there one afternoon and evening in July to enjoy and explore this part of the city with a group of friends/yoginis.  Miriam, a long time resident of the [...]

2017-08-05T18:58:13-07:00August 5th, 2017|cooking, Culture, friends, Gardening, Photography, seattle, WA|


We made our annual trip to Stehekin last weekend.  Stehekin, Washington is a place that awakens the nature-loving adventurer and dazzles the eye of the outdoor enthusiast.  I didn't see any bears this year, but I did see a grouse, big as a hen, on the trail.  Leslie and I [...]

2017-07-28T03:46:34-07:00July 28th, 2017|friends, Gardening, Health, Hiking, nature, Photography, WA|

The Chakra Rainbow

Last Saturday, MJ Conboy, of MJ's Plant Smart Kitchen, and I offered an in-city yoga and cooking day retreat at a very modern and elegant condominium in the Belltown area of Seattle. The day could not have been more beautiful.  It was a day filled with pure sunshine and a [...]

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