The Good Karma Boulevard

It's already September!  I am writing from my desk at Ocean Shores.  It is a fine day, skies are clear, windows are open, and the rush of the ocean waves fills the room with energy.  A slight breeze is playing with the tree tops, the swaying movement visible from [...]

2018-09-02T17:46:37-07:00September 2nd, 2018|Culture, Teaching, writing, Yoga Phlilosophy|

So Hum

The mantra So Hum inspires me to look around, to see my reflection in all that is. It means "I am that".  "That" refers to all of creation. We had a rare snowfall in Seattle yesterday. I woke up to a few inches of snow.  Green Lake looked so pretty [...]

Celebrating Winter Solstice

I know we are still days away from the Winter Solstice, but this weekend, we had our annual Winter Solstice Hatha Yoga Retreat, always held the first weekend of December. For me, this time of year is an opportunity to seek light, a time to put up Christmas lights and [...]

The Chakra Rainbow

Last Saturday, MJ Conboy, of MJ's Plant Smart Kitchen, and I offered an in-city yoga and cooking day retreat at a very modern and elegant condominium in the Belltown area of Seattle. The day could not have been more beautiful.  It was a day filled with pure sunshine and a [...]

Gathering Circle

Quarterly, I offer a free yoga class at the Chief Seattle Club.  The Chief Seattle Club is in Pioneer Square, Seattle, and is a safe and sacred place where urban native peoples can rest, be nurtured, and receive services to help ease their lives.  Many of the members of Chief [...]

2017-06-18T02:43:44-07:00June 18th, 2017|Culture, Health, seattle, Teaching, WA, Yoga, Yoga Adventure, Yoga Phlilosophy|
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